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This bookkeeping template is designed for sole proprietors and single-member LLC business owners who are just starting out, not ready to move into a bookkeeping software yet, or need to organize prior period data. 


You have the ability to modify formulas within the spreadsheet, but it will warn you before you do so. I cannot fix broken formulas, so make sure to save an original copy so that you can always look back on the original formula. 


The Profit & Loss Report auto-organizes data from the Transactions tab. You can modify the names on the chart of accounts. There are also tabs for organizing your home office data and business vehicle information. 


Document Type: Google Sheets

Tabs: Instructions, Chart of Accounts, Transactions, Profit & Loss Report, Year Overview, Home Office, Vehicle - Mileage, Dates


NOTE: This template does not include a Balance Sheet, and therefore shouldn't be used if you're estimating to have $250k or more in assets because you'll need a Balance Sheet on your tax return. 

Bookkeeping Template


    © 2024 by Ariel Maguire - All rights reserved.

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